The manipulation of product collation and their insertion into a carton or cartoner bucket chain can be achieved with Top Loading or Side Loading capability and Bergami has developed his own Pick & Place family Brutus.
Our 2 axis Pick and Place system Model Brutus, controlled by two servomotors, stakes simplification of format changes to a new level with full recipe retention and programming entirely through the Machine Touch Display. Set up for a new product is within a fixed parameter area in the HMI and takes just minutes to generate a program for a new format. In normal operation the pick and place can carry out any movements in a two-dimensional working field of 0.5m x 0.5 m. The hand of the robot is designed as a tool exchanger which has all of the devices necessary to control tools. The Pick & Place arm can be accelerated with 2G and reach speeds of up to 4 m/sec. Its load-bearing capacity is 20 kg. Pick and Place systems can work together as a team and mutually pursue the objective of guaranteeing packages which have been filled completely.
2 Axis Brutusbiomas2019-09-16T15:30:52+00:00